Use "relegate|relegated|relegates|relegating" in a sentence

1. From August 1916 Hindenburg, adjointed by Ludendorff, was Chief of Staff of the German Armed Forces, creating what was effectively a military-industrial dictatorship , the Third Supreme Command, largely relegating the Kaiser , Wilhelm II , to he periphery.

Nach der Entlassung Erich von Falkenhayns als Chef des Generalstabs im August 1916 avancierte Ludendorff als 1. Generalquartiermeister neben Hindenburg zum eigentlichen Kopf der dritten OHL.

2. The two men also share the common theme of the doppelgänger , although one might argue that this is prevalent throughout the entire horror genre and cannot be relegated as specific to one author. In addition, the theme of the short story "Dolan's Cadillac" bears an almost identical comparison to Poe's " The Cask of Amontillado ," up to and including a paraphrase of Fortunato's famous plea, "for the love of God, Montresor!

Überhaupt nimmt er in viele seiner Bücher Zitat e und literarische Texte anderer Schriftsteller auf.